The history of the summer survey of the Hungarian Royal Public Higher Architectural School – in the mirror of collection resources


holiday surveys, Hungarian Royal Public Higher Architectural Industrial School, Hungarian Royal Joseph’s Polytechnic, National Committee of Monuments, Wiener Bauhütte


After studying in Budapest and Wien, Ernő Foerk first became an assistant to Imre Steindl at the Royal Joseph’s Polytechnic and later he started teaching at the Hungarian Royal Public Higher Architectural Industrial School. The practice of holiday surveys which is largely based on the experience gained in Wiener Bauhütte in Wien can be captured as a link between these two activities. Foerk’s full teaching activity was followed by the holiday paths he had with his students. These of course were also inextricably linked with the activities of the cultural heritage management at this time; the drawings made at that time were included in the National Committee of Monuments. Processing of the group in question may raise new issues of the history of architecture and scientific history possibly for wellknown monuments, sometimes for one person, as well as for a comprehensive look at Foerk’s model which has been previously sporadically examined.


